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Sophie Bostock, PhD
Feb 12, 20242 min read
Why does travel make us so tired? And what can we do about it? Travel Fatigue Part 1: Be prepared
Do you do a lot of travel for work? 🛫 Does it take you a surprising amount of time to bounce back? Find out why, and what to do about it
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Sophie Bostock, PhD
Mar 1, 20226 min read
Should I buy a Sleep Tracker? Pros & Cons
I have a love-hate relationship with wearable sleep trackers. I absolutely love that technology is being used to shine a light on sleep;...
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Sophie Bostock, PhD
Jun 12, 20211 min read
Can you bank sleep to improve performance?
I am well aware of the irony of finalising this video after 11pm at night 🤦 but no-one's perfect 😉 This video is all about what to do,...
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Sophie Bostock, PhD
Apr 15, 20211 min read
Does Polyphasic Sleep Work?
Can you improve productivity by adopting a polyphasic sleep schedule? i.e. Can you hack sleep with short naps over 24 hours? It's a...
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Sophie Bostock, PhD
Apr 4, 20211 min read
How to Relax (Part 1)
This is a simple 2 minute exercise you can do anywhere to help you relax, and switch off the 'fight or flight' stress response.
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